GLDB combines the most popular CFD and FOREX trading platforms. In addition to providing real-time market trends and trading functions, our trading software also includes 18 line drawing tools, 9 trading session chart options, and 30 international popular technical indicators, providing more convenience for investors' trading decisions. Compared to other trading platforms, our trading platform consumes less computer resources, runs faster, and supports multiple terminals such as PC and APP. Widely favored by international investment institutions and investors.
The mobile trading platform provided by GLDB to investors supports iOS and Android mobile systems, allowing investors to manage trading accounts anytime and anywhere through smartphones or tablets. Having comprehensive functions for placing orders, trading, and account management. No matter where you are, as long as you have WiFi or a mobile network, investors can use the mobile trading platform provided by GLDB to watch the latest market trends and trade at any time, always keeping an eye on investment opportunities.